5 Questions to Ask Your Optometrist Regarding MiSight Lenses

MiSight Lenses kids miami

MiSight contact lenses are an FDA approved treatment for myopia management that can help slow the progression of myopia in children. You may want to ask your child’s eye doctor several questions to ensure that your child is receiving the best treatment for them.

If your child has been diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness), their eye doctor may recommend MiSight contact lenses. These lenses are nothing short of revolutionary when it comes to controlling the progression of myopia in children. Being nearsighted can potentially cause problems in all areas of your child’s life, from seeing well at school to dealing with confidence issues when wearing eyeglasses to growing up with a higher risk of eye health conditions that can threaten their vision. That means that it’s imperative to address myopia early on when slowing its progression is still possible.

MiSight contact lenses are disposable, single-use lenses designed to be discarded at the end of each day. They are the first FDA-approved product on the market proven to slow the progression of myopia in children. Especially if your child has never worn contact lenses before, you probably have some questions about this treatment. To allay your concerns and help you understand how to get the most out of MiSight lenses, here are five questions to ask your child’s eye doctor.


  1. What are my other treatment options?


MiSight is not the only way to address childhood myopia. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), for example, is another effective treatment. Ortho-K involves wearing contact lenses overnight and removing them in the morning. This corrects the vision during the day without the use of daytime contact lenses or glasses. Some parents might prefer this treatment because of the increased ability to supervise their children while wearing their lenses. However, the one-day lens design with MiSight means less maintenance and responsibility for the child. Ask your eye doctor which treatment is right for your child and why they think so.


  1. Is my child a good candidate for MiSight?


Many providers feel that MiSight is the best option for low levels of myopia. The soft lenses are suitable for children with sensitive eyes, and their disposable nature means that no cleaning or disinfecting is necessary. MiSight may also be a better choice than eyeglasses for children who participate in sports or are otherwise very active. Discuss what makes your child a good candidate for MiSight so that you feel comfortable moving ahead with this treatment.


  1. How do MiSight lenses work?


As your child wears MiSight lenses, the lenses correct the refractive error similar to standard corrective contact lenses to improve distance vision. In addition, these lenses feature concentric peripheral rings that help focus some of the light in front of the retina. It appears that this reduces the stimulus causing the eye to grow, myopia to worsen, effectively slowing its progression and helping to preserve your child’s vision.


  1. Are there any risks or side effects with MiSight?


MiSight lenses are no different in terms of risks and side effects than any other lenses – no better or worse. All contact lens wearers experience certain slight risks, such as abrasion and infection. However, millions of people wear contact lenses daily with no issues. By following instructions on lens care, wearing time, handling, and regular eye doctor visits, you can minimize the risk significantly. MiSight lenses may take a little longer to get used to than other lenses, but most kids adapt quickly within a few weeks or less.


  1. Is my child old enough to wear contact lenses?


Children – even young children – can wear contact lenses successfully. There is no particular age at which a child is “old enough” for contacts. Rather, they need to have reached a certain level of maturity, and they need your commitment to parental supervision to ensure their safety and success. Of course, there are no guarantees, but many children can learn how to insert and remove contact lenses more quickly and efficiently than adults.


You may have other questions for your child’s eye doctor about MiSight contact lenses – don’t hesitate to ask. MiSight is an increasingly popular myopia treatment for children that provides important benefits for more and more kids every year. If your child is nearsighted and you want to help protect their vision, ask their eye doctor about MiSight today.



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