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1. Scleral Lenses – a Practice Builder

2. Scleral Lenses Solution to Prevent the Abandonment of LC in Presbitas

3. Potential Constraindications to Scleral Lens Wear

4. The DREAM team says n-3 no better than placebo for dry eye. What should we do?

5. Mini-scleral Lenses in the Treatment of Neurotrophic Keratopathy Secondary to Möbius or Möbius-like Syndrome: Kramer CJO Vol. 75 No.2 2013

6. Scleral lenses in the treatment of post-LASIK ectasia and superficialneovascularization of intrastromal corneal ring segments: Kramer Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2015 Mar

7. Intraocular pressure changes in neophyte scleral lens wearers: A prospective study

8. Regener-Eyes Case Study

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