Synergeyes & Hybrid Lenses: Solving the Dilemma of Comfort and Clarity

Synergeyes & Hybrid Lenses: Solving the Dilemma of Comfort and Clarity

Many contact lens wearers struggle to choose between traditional soft lenses and RGP (rigid gas permeable) lenses. Soft lenses are the most common solution for correcting mild vision loss, but when it comes to conditions like astigmatisms and keratoconus, they often fall short of providing clear, sharp vision.

While many contact wearers find relief using RGP lenses, there can be some discomfort that can be off-putting, making long-term lens wear difficult. In these situations, we recommend hybrid lenses as a solution that offers the best of both worlds.


What are Hybrid Contact Lenses?

Hybrid contact lenses provide the comfort and wearability of soft contact lenses with the stability, precision, and breathability of RGP lenses. Hybrid contacts are rigid in the center, to correct issues caused by corneal irregularity, and soft around the edges for comfort.

The rigid center is custom made to perfectly fit the natural curvature of your corneas. This central area provides the clarity that RGP lenses are known for, while the surrounding area provides the comfort that soft lenses are known for.

Hybrid lenses promote the free flow of oxygen to keep your eyes healthy. Eyes deprived of oxygen can develop the symptoms of hypoxia: hazy vision, redness, and irritation. The RGP center of a hybrid lens prevents hypoxia by allowing the flow of oxygen to the eye.


What are the Benefits of Hybrid Contact Lenses?

Enhanced comfort. There is some initial discomfort when first wearing RGP lenses, but for some wearers, this discomfort doesn’t fade, making long-term wear difficult. Hybrid lenses are soft around the edges which makes them easy to wear for almost everyone. They are particularly useful for patients with corneal irregularities who find RGP lenses uncomfortable.

Improved stability. Due to the rigid center of hybrid lenses, they hold their shape perfectly throughout the day. They can correct corneal abnormalities and provide a stable surface to correct vision. Soft lenses conform to the irregular corneal shape which can cause inconsistent vision and distortions that disrupt day to day functioning.


Who is the Ideal Candidate for Hybrid Contact Lenses?

Our patients who are used to wearing glasses or soft contacts rarely experience any issues when making the change to hybrid lenses. Individuals with corneal abnormalities, astigmatism, and dry eye have all found relief with hybrid contact lenses due to their unique design and ability to prioritize both comfort and clear vision.

Athletes may not be able to wear glasses for a variety of safety reasons. If they also have astigmatism, dry eye, or an irregular corneal surface, soft lenses may be insufficient. In these cases, hybrid lenses are an ideal solution because they provide consistent, clear vision without the potential discomfort associated with rigid lenses.

We also offer hybrid lenses as a solution for patients who want to make the switch from glasses to lenses for aesthetic purposes. Glasses can be intrusive and hard to keep clean, making them a hindrance for all day wear. If those patients also have severe dry eye, keratoconus, or astigmatism, hybrid lenses can be the perfect solution.


What is the Best Way to Care for Hybrid Contact Lenses?

1. Use a Solution Made for Hybrid Lenses

Due to hybrid lenses being made of two different materials, it’s essential to use a cleansing solution made to gently remove debris and bacteria from the lenses. Never use water to clean your lenses as this can introduce microorganisms that can cause horrible infections.


2. Prioritize Hygiene

A risk most commonly associated with contact lens wear is infection. This is often caused by patients practicing poor hygiene when applying, removing, and storing their lenses. It’s crucial that you thoroughly clean your hands and working surface before touching your eyes or your lenses.


3. Store Your Lenses Properly

Always store your lenses in the case recommended by your eyecare practitioner and ensure that the lid is always closed properly. If they are left open, contact lenses can dry out.


4. Replace Your Hybrid Lenses as Recommended

Hybrid lenses have their own replacement schedule. Follow your eye care practitioner’s guidance to protect your eyes.


Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Hybrid lenses offer a revolutionary solution for glasses and contact lens wearers who seek both comfort and crystal-clear vision. By combining the clarity of RGP lenses with the comfort of soft lenses, hybrid lenses address the limitations of the traditional lens options available.

Whether you struggle with astigmatism, dry eye, or simply want the clearest vision possible, hybrid lenses can be the game changer you need. Consult with our experts to find out if you are a good candidate for hybrid contact lenses.

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