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EyePrintPRO™ Scleral Cover Shell Lens Fitting

The EyePrintPRO™ is a prosthetic contact lens. It is like a scleral lens in that the weight of the lens rests on the sclera (the white part of the eye) and vaults over the cornea. The EyePrintPRO™ is made from the same oxygen-permeable material used for scleral lenses. Because of these similarities, the EyePrintPRO™ has similar uses and benefits as scleral lenses. This prosthetic device can provide clear vision and high levels of comfort to patients with irregularly shaped corneas.

Using patented elevation-specific technology, each EyePrintPRO™ device is designed to provide an exact match for the corneal irregularities of each individual eye. Like a fingerprint, the EyePrintPRO™ is unique to each patient. The elevation-specific impression process only takes a few minutes but captures the precise curvatures of the entire ocular surface. These details can be used to make a formfitting contact lens that improves vision even in some of the most severe cases.

The impression process for fitting the EyePrintPRO™ is gentle and comfortable yet far from simple. The technology at work during this process can provide more information about the ocular surface than any other eye evaluation, like high-tech computerized topographical scanners. There is no guesswork involved in the process. Instead, the EyePrintPRO™ technology delivers precise and exact details that practitioners use to create a formfitting lens.

The lens is crafted by EyePrint Prosthetics LLC. After the impression has been completed in the office, it is shipped to EyePrint Prosthetics for 3D scanning and digitization. From there, EyePrint can create a prosthetic scleral cover shell design that will exactly match the cornea and sclera of the patient. The oxygen-permeable lens is treated with Tangible™ Hydra-PEG, which improves wettability, increases lubricity, and reduces deposition of proteins and lipids. The result is a lens that provides the ultimate in comfort, health, and vision quality.

The purpose of the EyePrintPRO™ is to provide the best vision and quality of life possible for patients who are extremely visually impaired and have struggled to find effective solutions. Even in cases in which other types of scleral lenses have failed, EyePrintPRO™ often delivers successful results. It has been used to treat conditions such as keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, ocular surface disease (ex: dry eye), trauma, extreme cases of deformed eyes, pellucid marginal degeneration, chemical burns, post-surgical corneas (including corneal transplants and post LASIK ectasia), pinguecula, pterygium, and limbal stem cell deficiency.

The precise nature of the EyePrintPRO™ impression process means fitting these lenses can be easier and less time consuming than fitting other types of scleral lenses. The EyePrintPRO™ is an ideal solution in eyes with severe corneal irregularities. Records show most patients (95 percent) are fitted with a suitable EyePrintPRO™ lens within the first two fittings.

Our local optometrist at the Miami Contact Lens Institute, we are proud to be an EyePrint-certified practitioner. If you are wondering whether EyePrintPRO™ is the right solution for you, get in touch with us today.


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