Your most frequently asked contact lens questions

More than 30 million people in the US wear contact lenses, but how do you know if they’re right for you? Are they hard to take care of? Do they restrict your daily activities? If you’re considering getting contact lenses, take a look at our answers to some of the most frequently asked contact lens questions, and then see if you’re ready to put away the glasses and get a prescription for contact lenses at your next eye exam.

Who is a good candidate for contact lenses?

Anyone can be a good candidate for contact lenses if you’re willing to give it a try!  Today, you can find contacts for those with bifocal glasses, astigmatisms, and even dry eyes or harsh allergies.

How old does a child need to be before they get contact lenses?

No eye is too young, or too old, for contacts.  Anybody can wear contact lenses, but not everyone is ready to take on the responsibility.  Make sure your child is ready to thoroughly clean their lenses every night, won’t accidentally sleep in their lenses, and will be wiling to carry contact solution and a spare case with them in case of discomfort.

What types of contacts are available?

Contact lenses vary in replacement schedule, wear schedule, and material.  Some contact lenses can be worn for a month, while others need to be thrown out daily.  Some contact lenses can even be worn overnight.  Your doctor can help you decide which type is best for your eyes, and your lifestyle.

Can I wear contact lenses in the pool or shower?  If I forget my contact solution, can I use tap water?

There are many reasons you should NEVER let water touch your contact lenses.  Even if water is safe to drink, it can contain chemicals or parasites that can harm your eyes.  Also, unlike solution, your contacts can absorb water, causing them to change shape.  This means the contact will no longer fit to your eye correctly, potentially leading to a scratched cornea.

Can a contact lens get lost behind my eye?

No, don’t be afraid of wearing contacts! There is a membrane inside your eye that makes it impossible for your lens to go into the back of your head.  It is possible for your contact lens to get caught in your eyelid, but don’t panic.  Close your eye, softly rub the lid, and your contact will come back.

What do I do first: put in contacts, or apply makeup?

Before applying any lotion, moisturizer, or foundation, the first thing you should do ensure you hands are both clean AND dry, and then put in your contact lenses.  Makeup contains oils and powders that will stick to your contact lenses and irritate your eyes.

What are some other makeup tips for contact wearers?

1.     Your contact lenses will attract the oil and become clouded, so try to use oil-free products, especially around your eyes.
2.     Stop putting makeup on your lid ledge!  This can cause dry eyes, dirty lenses, or sties.
3.     Skip the clumpy mascara, extra particles can fall in your eyes and get trapped under your lenses.
4.     Spend an extra 15 seconds making sure your lenses are really clean from the oils and particles from makeup.


Don’t forget to schedule an eye exam with us!
Click HERE or call us: 305-814-2299

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