Is it Possible to Reverse Short Sightedness?

Is There a Way to Reverse Short Sightedness?
Short Sightedness, a term more generally referred to as nearsightedness, is a quite common condition that most people have an awareness of. However, it’s also a serious visual condition that is often underestimated.
The clinical term for short sightedness is myopia. Myopia is a degenerative visual condition that has been acknowledged as a global health threat due to the dramatic rise in cases around the world. Statistics show that myopia affects 9% of school-aged children and 30% of adolescents, and numbers remain on an upward trajectory.
Myopia typically develops when the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved, causing light that enters the eye to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. This results in an individual seeing a blurry image. This condition progresses more rapidly in younger children as their eyes grow at a faster rate. Early detection provides the best chance in slowing the progression of short sightedness.
Recent advancements in technology have expanded options to treat short sightedness that have had great success. However, there is currently no treatment or cure to reverse short sightedness. Fortunately, there are steps that parents can take that can prevent it from developing early in children.
Treatment Options for Short Sightedness
While it is not possible to reverse short sightedness, vision correction can be provided, and the condition can be successfully slowed in its progression. If you recently learned that your child is nearsighted, here are available treatments that are widely used and very effective:
- Eyeglasses are the first method of defense against short sightedness. Eyeglasses successfully provide vision correction for the condition. Those who are mildly nearsighted may only have to wear glasses during certain activities, such as driving or watching a movie. Those who are very nearsighted may have to wear glasses all the time. Generally, single vision lenses are prescribed to correct vision at all distances for children.
- The CooperVision MiSight one-day lenses are soft, dual-focus contact lenses used to slow myopia progression in children ages 8-15. The lenses are worn during the day and are designed to redirect how light hits the retina. Considered to be one the best weapons for controlling the progression of myopia in children, this specialty lens “tricks” the eye into not growing too long. MiSight lenses are the first FDA approved lenses for controlling the progression of short sightedness in children. Multi-year clinical studies have shown that MiSight lenses effectively slow axial elongation by an average of 59%.
- While there is no way to reverse short sightedness, Ortho-K comes close. Ortho-K is clinically referred to as Orthokeratology. Specialty contact lens providers have been prescribing Orthokeratology lenses for decades. As a treatment for myopia control, these lenses are an excellent choice. This non-surgical technology successfully treats and controls myopia with Ortho-K lenses, which are custom-fitted, hard contact lenses that work to temporarily reshape a child’s cornea, or the front outer surface of the eye. The lenses used in this treatment gradually place pressure on the cornea to flatten it. This changes how light entering the eye is focused. Contact lenses are worn for limited time frames, mainly overnight, and then they are removed. This treatment temporarily corrects vision for daily activities and supports an active lifestyle and it slows the progression of myopia.
- Low dose atropine drops can also be used to slow the progression of short sightedness, but they do not correct vision. Atropine drops work best in combination with center-distance multifocal soft lenses or Ortho-K lenses to slow short-sightedness progression more effectively than just using Ortho-K or center-distance multifocal soft lenses alone at the start of treatment.
Prevention is Key to Avoid Myopia in Children
While you cannot reverse short sightedness once it has been detected, preventative measures are effective in avoiding its onset in children. Preventative action is especially important for children who spend extended periods using a computer or digital devices or participate in activities that take place at arm’s length. Follow these recommended steps to prevent myopia:
- Encourage children to spend more time outdoors, 90 minutes per day, if possible.
- Minimize use of digital devices outside of school.
- Teach children the 20-20-20 rule by having them look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes.
- Schedule regular eye exams to ensure that any visual conditions can be detected and treated early.
Are you concerned that your child may be experiencing visual difficulties? Schedule an eye exam at Miami Contact Lens Institute today. Early detection is essential to slowing short sightedness progression and to protect your child’s vision now and for many years to come.
Testimonial from Chris, Satisfied Patient
Friendly, professional staff. I turn 65 tomorrow but haven’t been able to wear contacts for 20 years as my astigmatism made for blurred vision while wearing them. Dr. Kramer had a pair custom made for me and I honestly see clearer than I have in decades.